Thursday, October 30, 2008

Black Cat Cookies for Halloween

Happy Mischief Night! My office is getting in the Halloween spirit this year, with the holiday falling on a Friday, so I decided to try this cute cookie recipe as an alternative to just sharing candy with my coworkers (we're trick or treating in the office, clearly we're very mature ;) )

These didn't turn out quite as well as I had hoped, but they're tasty nonetheless. As you can see from the picture, I ran into trouble with shaping the cat's "ears". If you try these, make sure to make the ears on the large side since they blend together while baking.

The recipe called for red-hots, but I used Reese's Pieces instead. I also took the cookies out halfway through and added the candy, as per a reviewer on All-Recipes.

Find the recipe here:


Emily said...

Oooh, those look good! Great pictures too.

Happy Halloween!

Deb Schiff said...

Too cute!

Chou said...

Ack! So cute!